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Analog Vs Digital Mixing

What Is Analog?

Analog refers to the use of hardware units that were originally used to process sound.

Since then, computers and plugins have moved this into the digital realm by no longer using outboard gear.

This was good for keeping things clean and linear, but not so good when it came to adding life and sparkle to the song, due to the loss of the hardware and the slight nuances it adds.

Is Analog Still Around?

Many high end studios today still impart the use of analog gear through, most times, a hybrid setup.

This means that they use their outboard gear, as well as plugins, to mix and master your song into a record.

This helps your record still have that inspired feel from the analog world, mixed in with precision and transparency of the digital world.

Even plugin companies make emulations of these analog units in a plugin form to help mediate this, although most engineers would agree it doesn‘t quite meet the caliber of the real thing.

Do I Need Analog Mixing?

You never technically “need“ anything to make a hit song, but it definitely helps a ton.

I mean, Why would high end studios and engineers around the entire world still be using this gear today?

It helps add life and give a true radio feel.

Where Can I Get Analog Mixing?

Wavcentr is equipped with analog gear to help take your song to the next level.

You can record at our facility to get the perfect sound right the jump, or send in your vocals you record at home or somewhere else and we’ll run It through our gear so you can get that WavCentr sound right in your own home!

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