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Professional Mixing & Mastering to Elevate Your Sound

Transform your raw recordings into standout tracks with our expert mixing and mastering services, tailored to your unique sound and style

Transform Ideas Into Reality

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Recording is only the starting phase in crafting a hit. Mixing infuses your track with that extra juice, harmonizing all the instruments and vocals. Then, mastering escalates the final mix to its fullest potential - loud, clear, and equally impactful whether it's playing on a phone or in a club.

Stand Out From The Crowd

Cultivate a sound that's unmistakably you. Taking the time to meticulously craft a record sets your brand and sound apart from the rest. Quality music attracts quality fans - it all begins at the source.

Smart Investment, Bigger Returns

Remember, music isn't just art – it's also a strategic business. The investments you make today will shape your success tomorrow. Avoid pouring resources into promoting a song that doesn't resonate with fans due to less-than-optimal quality. Make the smarter choice: prioritize impeccable sound from the very start.

Mix & Master Examples

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Let's work!

Fill out the form below and let's talk about your next project/track and what we can do to help get it to where it needs to be.

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What exactly does mixing do for me?

Mixing takes all the individual tracks you recorded and blends them together into a cohesive and balanced track. A professional audio engineer will adjust levels, apply effects, and fine-tune the overall sound to create a polished and professional track. Mixing can make your track sound fuller, clearer, and more professional, making it stand out from the competition.

What exactly does mastering do for me?

Mastering adds the finishing touches to your track. This involves adjusting volume levels, equalizing the sound, and adding compression or limiting to give your track a polished and professional sound. Mastering ensures that your track sounds great on any platform, from streaming services to radio. It can also make your track louder and clearer, which can help you compete.

Do I need to record with you?

No, you don't have to record with us to use our mixing and mastering services. However, we do offer professional recording services if you need them. Recording with us ensures that you'll have access to high-quality equipment and a professional audio engineer who can guide you through the process of capturing your musical ideas. We work with vocals from bedroom to high-end, no matter where you recorded it

How long does it take?

The amount of time it takes to complete your project depends on various factors, such as the number of tracks, the complexity of the project, and the number of revisions, but you can expect 3-5 days return on average. We'll work with you to create a timeline that meets your needs and delivers high-quality results.

Do you do bundle deals?

Yes, we offer bundle deals for our recording, mixing, and mastering services. We can customize a package that meets your needs and fits your budget. Contact us today to learn more about our bundle deals and how we can help you take your music career to the next level.

Who's mixing my record?

With more than half a decade, recording and mixing from local studios to some of the most prestigious recording studios throughout Miami, Finn, is more than qualified to handle any song, in any genre, and deliver a record that will have that timeless feel, every time.

Yinn displaying his mixing and mastering services at circle house recording studio wavcenter

Finn | @Finnonthetrack

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